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“Egg-tra” Ordinary Family is the opportunity to make new memories. Everyone knows how stressful the holiday’s can be, and if your homeless, in a treatment or rehabilitation center, or maybe you’ve fostered out of the foster system, are a senior living alone, a teenager just trying to survive the streets, or a family living below the poverty level we are here to help.

Sometimes just a little CANDY can bring a well needed smile to someone’s face. This last year we put together and delivered 11,000 Easter bags and Easter Baskets to people who would have been all alone this Holiday season.

We also handed out Hygiene, Clothing items and other basic necessities to give Hope. And did I mention CANDY?! (3 pallets of Candy, Thank you to everyone who donated.)

Who we Serve:

• Living on the Street, In Cars, In Tents and Couch Surfing.
• Veterans, Youth, Senior, Individuals, and families who are currently displaced.

Men and Women:
• Currently in Rehabilitation Centers, Treatment Centers, Half-Way Houses, and Sober Living Facilities.

New Families:
• 18-25 Year Olds who have Fostered OUT of the Foster System,
• Grandparents who now have Custody of their Grandchildren as well as Foster Parents who need help with the day to day Basic Necessities.
• Families Suffering from Covid and living well below the Poverty Level.

Newly Released Prisoners:
• Men and Women who are now Transitioning back into Society and are currently in Re-Entry Facilities learning new skills and/or a trade.

Military and Veterans:
• Papago National Guards, Luke Air-force Base, The 161st Air-wing, The 162nd Air-wing, US Vets, Veterans Success Center, Border Control, MANA House, and Our Gold Star Families.

Individuals in Immediate Danger:
• Sex-Trafficked Individuals (Including: Women, Men, Girls and Boys), Both Women and Men who now reside in Battered Persons Shelters.
• Referrals from Local Fire Departments, Police Stations, and Churches, as well as, Referrals from School Nurses and Local Burn Units.

What We Do:

We HONOR Every Individual as they are right now. We ENCOURAGE and EMPOWER People to grow and MOTIVATE them to be the person they we born to. By doing this we Believe that Everyone PROSPERS.

How We Do It:
• We reach out to our Community with our Signature Programs.
• We Supply Hygiene, Clothing, Food and Basic Necessities to those in need.
• We Partner 200 Plus Local Non-profits with products to help our Community.
• We Partner with Local businesses to get Resources to People most in need.
• We have opened ‘FREE Shop’ where people can come get Day to Day Items they Need. (Appointment or Referral Needed)
• We get DIRTY! We Take to the Streets to reach Our Forgotten and Our Most Vulnerable.

Just The FACTS:

Our Growth and Impact:

Christmas with a Cause2009900 Served
 202111,000 Served
Best Day Ever (Women's Only)201050 Served
 2022750 Served
Man UP (Men's Only)201070 Served
 20221,820 Served
“Egg-tra" Ordinary Family (Families and Individuals)2010125 Served
 202210,500 Served
Community Project and Take it to the STREET2010300 Served
(So far this year)20228,500 Served
Veterans and Military20100 Served
(So far this year)20229,000 Served
Day to Day20100 Served
 20227,500 Served